Beyond the multidisciplinary in fan studies: Learning how to talk among disciplines


  • Erika Ningxin Wang King's College London
  • Brittany Kelley University of Jamestown
  • Ludi Price University of London
  • Kristen Schuster King's College London



Dialogue, Interdisciplinary, Transcultural


In light of the Fan Studies Network's statement regarding fan studies being overrun with whiteness, we are in a unique position to engage in scholarship that challenges the overwhelmingly white and Global North–centric structures that define how we study fan cultures. Multidisciplinarity, which may be understood as disciplines laid side by side, should be contrasted with interdisciplinarity, which requires true dialogue. Despite recent field-shifting work by fan studies scholars such as Bertha Chin, Lori Morimoto, Rukmini Pande, and Rebecca Wanzo, more work needs to be done to both acknowledge and build on current research in transcultural fandom. In a dialogue that reflects the progress of our own striving toward interdisciplinary and transcultural work in fan studies, we seek to demonstrate a possible way forward for the field of fan studies to become more truly interdisciplinary and transcultural in its focus.

Author Biographies

Erika Ningxin Wang, King's College London

Erika Ningxin Wang is first author

Brittany Kelley, University of Jamestown

Brittany Kelley is an Assistant Director of English and Writing Center Director at the University of Jamestown. She teaches first-year composition courses, as well as sophomore-level expository writing and business writing. Her research interests include: online fanfiction, literacy practices, digital-new media studies, and composition. In addition, she is particularly interested in research methodologies and ethics.


