TWC No. 43 released


Transformative Works and Cultures has released general issue No. 43, edited by coeditors Poe Johnson and Mel Stanfill.

The opening editorial of this issue speaks to editors' hope that TWC can reimagine "fan studies as a big tent" which would "mak[e] all scholars who care about fans and fandom feel like they belong, regardless of whether their work is represented in canonical works or stems from a subfield."

This issue, as coeditors Mel Stanfill and Poe Johnson explain in their editorial, "shines a light on several underexplored fan practices, from period costuming to political fandom." In addition, the issue includes a special section on "Shakespeare and Antifandom." 

The next issues of TWC include: Centering Blackness in Fan Studies (Issue No. 44), publishing in December 2024, and Sports Fandoms (Issue No. 45), publishing in March 2025. 

TWC’s current calls for papers include the following issues:

General issue, September 2025 (ROLLING SUBMISSION)
Gaming Fandom, March 2026 (January 1, 2025)
Disability and Fandom, March 2026 (January 1, 2025)